What is Workhorse Group, Inc.'s stock symbol?

Our stock is traded on the Nasdaq under the symbol WKHS.

When was Workhorse Group, Inc. incorporated?


When did Workhorse Group, Inc. become a public company?

On January 4, 2016 the Company was approved by Nasdaq Capital Market and our common stock is now quoted on Nasdaq under the symbol “WKHS”. Our common stock was previously quoted on the OTCQB under the symbol "TTSO" from July 14, 2009 through May 24, 2010 and then under the symbol “AMPD” from May 24, 2010 to April 16, 2015 when the Company was renamed Workhorse Group Inc. and uplisted to Nasdaq.

Where is Workhorse Group, Inc. located?

3600 Park 42 Dr, Suite 160E
Sharonville, OH 45241

When is Workhorse Group, Inc.'s fiscal year end?

December 31st

Who is Workhorse Group, Inc.'s transfer agent?

Empire Stock Transfer Inc.
1859 Whitney Mesa Dr.
Henderson, NV 89014
T: 702-818-5898

Who is Workhorse Group, Inc.'s independent auditor?

Berkowitz Pollack Brant Advisors + CPAs, LLP