Exhibit 7


U.S. Bank Trust Company, National Association

Statement of Financial Condition

as of 09/30/2023




Assets  09/30/2023 
Cash and Balances Due From Depository Institutions  $971,860 
Securities   4,247 
Federal Funds   0 
Loans & Lease Financing Receivables   0 
Fixed Assets   1,548 
Intangible Assets   579,147 
Other Assets   165,346 
Total Assets  $1,722,148 
Deposits  $0 
Fed Funds   0 
Treasury Demand Notes   0 
Trading Liabilities   0 
Other Borrowed Money   0 
Acceptances   0 
Subordinated Notes and Debentures   0 
Other Liabilities   226,499 
Total Liabilities  $226,499 
Common and Preferred Stock   200 
Surplus   1,171,635 
Undivided Profits   323,814 
Minority Interest in Subsidiaries   0 
Total Equity Capital  $1,495,649 
Total Liabilities and Equity Capital  $1,722,148